

West Rock 

Leaders: Larry & Amy Chico

Location: Home of Larry & Amy Chico

Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m. (Weekly)

Studying: Book of the Bible

Childcare: No

Contact: CLICK HERE to email the group leader for more information.


(Currently at capacity and unable to accept new attendees at this time)

Leaders: Reid & Susan Linn

Location: Blue Ridge Room, Maple Terrace – Bridgewater Retirement Community

Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m. (Every other week)

Studying: Devoted to God: Blueprints for Sanctification (Sinclair Ferguson, 2016)

Childcare: No

Contact: CLICK HERE to email the group leader for more information.

Sola Scriptura

Leaders: John & Vicki Wickenheiser, Julian & Lisa Alleyne

Location: Home of Julian & Lisa Alleyne

Time: 7:00-8:30 p.m. (Weekly)

Studying: Minor Prophets

Childcare: If needed

Contact: CLICK HERE to email the group leader for more information.


Leaders: Greg & Vicki Becker, Gary & Becky Shickel

Location: Home of Gary & Becky Shickel

Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m. (Every other week)

Studying: Sermon Study Guide

Childcare: If needed

Contact: CLICK HERE to email the group leader for more information.

Second Season

Leaders: Hal Baker, Bill & Barbara Broome

Location: Home of Bill & Barbara Broome

Time: 3:00 p.m. on first Wednesdays of the month. Group lunch after second service on 3rd Sundays. (Contact leader for schedule)

Studying: Skeptics Answered by D.J. Kennedy

Childcare: No

Contact: CLICK HERE to email the group leader for more information.