What time are the services?

*Sunday June 4, July 2, and August 6 we will have one service at 9:30 a.m. with a fellowship meal immediately after the service.

Our two English services meet at 8:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.
Our Spanish service meets at 11:15 a.m.
Sunday School meets at 10:00 a.m.

What is your service like?

Most people would not consider the worship services at Covenant Presbyterian Church to be formal. However, what we do on Sundays is grounded in the historic tradition of the Protestant Reformation. We sing, pray, read and preach the Bible, bring offerings, and administer the sacraments.

We strive for corporate worship that is both doctrinally rich and deeply felt. We sing the best of historic and new hymns. Each week we are served faithfully by a variety of musicians who play such instruments as piano, guitar, percussion, violin, and flute. At times we confess our faith by making use of the church’s historic creeds and confessions. The Bible takes center stage in our services for this is the means by which God has promised to speak to us. Therefore, we are committed to the systematic and passionate preaching of God’s Word. In all of this our goal is to glorify God.

How do I get there?

We are located at 546 W. Mosby Rd., Harrisonburg, VA  22801. 

What should I wear?

You will find everything from jeans to ties on Sundays at Covenant. That said, the pastors typically dress rather casually and you should feel free to do the same if you desire. But if you prefer to dress more formally for worship services you will find brothers and sisters at Covenant who do the same.

What if I need hearing and/or visual assistance?

Hearing devices and printed song lyrics are available at the sound booth (rear center of the sanctuary).

What do children and young families do during worship services?

Children and their families are a vital part of our community and we are committed to serving and loving them throughout their whole lifetime.

  • Walker and Toddler Nursery is available during the worship services and Sunday School as long as enough volunteers are secured.
  • Children's Church meets during the sermon portion of each of the two services.  Children’s Church is a worship service designed for children ages three through five who have not yet started Kindergarten.
  • An Infant Room is available in the nursery wing for nursing moms.  There are rockers and the room provides privacy yet allows you to see into the sanctuary and hear the worship service.

How do I get involved?

Covenant is an active church with many different ways to serve and be involved.  The Welcome to Covenant Class is a great entry point and a way to get an overview of the church and our various ministries.  If there is a particular ministry in which you would like to become involved, contact either the church office or the ministry leader.

How do I become a member?

Covenant values the importance of church membership.  A requirement for membership is taking the Welcome to Covenant Class which is offered in the fall and the spring.  An interview with a few of the church officers will follow the completion of the class if you desire to join the church.

How can I find out if services are cancelled?

  • Website: an announcement will be made on the home page
  • Social Media: an announcement will be posted on our facebook page
  • Radio: WSVA (550 AM)
  • TV: WHSV (Channel 3), WVIR (Channel 29)