Sunday school classes are on-going communities that meet for the purpose of growth in Christ through teaching and fellowship. Interactive instruction includes large and small group discussion that provides both a place to learn about God’s Word and a place to connect with members of Covenant. Visit our Resources Page for audio from select Sunday School classes.
Fall Classes
Philippians: Finding Joy When Life is Hard
Classroom: Mobile 1
Join us as we seek to grow in faith, joy, and obedience to Christ as we study the book of Philippians. “Philippians is all about Jesus. Paul reminds the Philippian church who Christ is and who they are in Christ. He teaches them how to believe in Christ and walk with Christ. He points to the supernatural joy that does not depend on circumstances but comes from the Spirit of Christ as we press on in the life of faith….Paul’s desire is that his readers live as citizens of the heavenly realm, where Jesus is King, and where their increasing confidence in him compels them all the more to proclaim and live out the gospel without fear.” (Excerpt from the Serge study guide on Philippians introduction, which will be our curriculum.) This class is led by Pastor Tim Frost and RUFI Regional Director, Joe Slater.
The Shepherd Leader at Home
Classroom: Multi-purpose East
Sadly these days, there are growing numbers of families that are like sheep without a shepherd. The hope for this class for husbands and dads will be to engage and explore how to become loving shepherds of their wives and children. Our focus will be on the practical biblical shepherding functions of knowing, leading, protecting, and providing for your family. This class is taught by Director of Congregational Care and Counseling and Ruling Elder Greg Becker. Spanish interpretation is available.
Closer than a Sister: How Union with Christ helps Friendships to Flourish
Classroom: Multi-purpose West
We live in an age where ‘friendships’ are prolific and contact is constant. So why do we still feel lonely or lacking in friendships? The bond of Christian friendship is different. Built on our unity with Christ, these are real life, flesh and blood relationships–both sacred and sacrificial. This class will offer insight into how we can build the kind of real life, flesh and blood friendships where we are more fully known, where we can share heart struggles, brokenness and past pain, and where we can encourage one another with real gospelcentered hope when we need it the most, and reflect Christ to the world. This class is taught by Associate Director of Women’s Ministries Sarah DeBoer; and members Kelly Kidd, Lisa Yoder, Jen Brooks, and Grace Weniger. Spanish interpretation is available.
Welcome to Covenant Class
Classroom: Annex 1
If you’re not already a member, we would encourage you to join this class. Whether you have recently started attending Covenant, or have been with us for years, we hope you will considerjoining the family of believers here through membership. Scripture makes it clear that church membership is an invaluable facet of life in Christ’s kingdom, so we pray that you will consider it. Taking the Welcome to Covenant class does not bind you to membership, but it is the first step toward becoming a member. This class is taught by Pastor Burress McCombe.
Officer Training
Classroom: Annex 6
This course will assist the men we nominated to candidate for the office of elder and deacon. This class is the next step to access whether the Lord is calling these particular men to serve as officers. Though this class caters to these individuals, this class is open to anyone who would like to attend. The material will educate and equip men to serve as church officers by providing instruction in Bible, theology, church history, polity, practice, and sound character. This class is taught by Pastor Aaron Roberts and Ruling Elder Jerry Weniger.
All Nations
Classroom: Library
This class provides a welcoming environment to connect across language and cultural differences as we visit, read the sermon’s Scripture passage, pray together and have open discussion. This class is led by several members including Kellie Grathwol, Jeremy Samsoe, and Angela Taylor.
Through the Roof Adults
Classroom: W-10
This class provides adults affected by disability with the opportunity to connect and digest God’s Word in an easy-to-understand format. Join us on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays. This class is led by members, Linda Krause, Jason Miller and Sarah Pruett.
Through the Roof Support Group
Classroom: W-10
This class provides parents, grandparents, and caregivers the opportunity to connect, share resources, and discuss challenges that come with living and caring for a child or adult with a disability. Join us on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. This class is led by members Laura Flint and Sarah Pruett.