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From June through August we will be hosting book discussion groups during the Sunday School hour. This summer we will be reading the book The Hole in our Holiness by Kevin DeYoung.

We want to take a season for some much needed self-reflection. Scripture commands us to be mature and watchful over our lives as we wait for the coming of our Lord, and the Summer will be an opportune time for us all to reexamine our faith together. It’s been said that a genuine faith is a vigilant faith. One of the ways we want to pursue holiness will be through our Summer Reading Challenge. DeYoung has this say about the book:

This is a book for those of us who are ready to take holiness seriously, ready to be more like Jesus, ready to live in light of the grace that produces godliness. This is a book about God’s power to help us grow in personal holiness and to enjoy the process of transformation.

Please see this as a great way to increase our fellowship, make new friendships, and pursue the work of sanctification together. May God strengthen our pursuit of holiness as Christians and as a local congregation.

Summer Reading Challenge