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Jr. High (grades 7-8) and Sr. High (grades 9-12) School students gather on most Sunday evenings, 4:00-5:45 p.m., at the church for fun, fellowship, worship, and teaching. Students meet together outside or in the Activity Room.
Small Group Bible Studies
During the school year small groups of same-gender, same-age youths meet together most weeks on Wednesday, 6:30-8:00 p.m. for the purpose of growing deeper in their personal walk and relationship with Jesus Christ.
Small Groups will resume on September 11.
- Jr. High Girls led by Ashley Hormel and Whitney Collier
- Jr. High Guys led by Phil Ernst and Seth Marsh
- Sr. High Girls led by Hannah Billings, Olivia Boomer, and Heather Dowdy
- Sr. High Guys led by Ben Meyerhoeffer, Brad Billings, Jonathan Brumfield, and John Stevens
For more information contact Pastor John Kidd or Colleen Ernst
Sunday School
Sunday morning from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Students meet to study the scriptures, discuss life applications, and participate in class projects.
As a means to build community and have fun together, we do things like paintball, laser tag, canoe trips, camping & whitewater rafting, hiking, snowtubing, and bowling.
There are one or two retreats a year. This is a time to get away to bond, fellowship, refocus on Jesus Christ, worship, hear Biblical teaching, and have lots of fun doing various activities.
Student Leadership
This is an opportunity open to 11th & 12th graders to learn to lead by serving within the youth group.
Service Saturdays
Church-wide service events that take place once each semester on a Saturday morning. There will be several different service opportunities such as manual labor, cooking, Bible clubs, and home visitation teams. All teams will meet back at the church for lunch.
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