Bible Studies

As the foundation of all we believe and all we do, women meet regularly to study God’s word for spiritual growth and fellowship. “Do you best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).


4:00 – 5:45 PM. | February 2 – March 23.

God Does His Best Work with Empty by Nancy Guthrie.

Emptiness that we feel is real, painful, and can be consuming. Yet our emptiness is not a problem to God. All the things that leave us unsatisfied or feeling empty God wants to fill with himself.  Our longings for security and comfort, our losses and unfilled dreams, and our loneliness and relational mess are all opportunities for God to grow us in his grace, hope, and mercy. His presence, promises, and people are what our empty souls need to function and flourish. Join us as we look into God’s word through Nancy Guthrie’s book.

The book can be purchased at Amazon ($10.29). There will be no childcare. This group will meet at Karen Standford’s home (near our church so that youth parents can drop off and pick up their kids from youth group.) For more information or to sign up, contact leaders Kelly Kidd and Ruth Vickman.

4:00 – 6:00 PM. | February 2 – April 13.

From Garden to Glory: How Understanding God’s Story Changes Yours by Courtney Doctor.

Many of us read the Bible without realizing it is one story from beginning to end—a story about God’s great mission to redeem all things. From Genesis to Revelation we see God’s heart in his redemptive plan for humanity and how earnestly he desires for us to be a part of it! In this study you will grow in your appreciation for how all the parts of the Bible fit together brilliantly as a unified whole and understand your value, significance, and purpose on a more profound level.

The book can be purchased at Amazon ($10.99) or other online bookstores. There will be no childcare. This group will meet at the church building. For more information or to sign up, contact leaders Sarah DeBoer and Karen Pruitt.


1:00 – 3:00 PM. | January 20 – March 31.

Good & Angry by David Powlison.

We know anger affects us negatively, but we don’t know any other way to respond when life goes wrong. Good and Angry by David Powlison contends that anger is more than a problem to solve. Anger is our complex human response to things we perceive as wrong in a complex world, thus we must learn how to fruitfully and honestly deal with it. Powlison undertakes an in-depth exploration of the roots of anger, moral judgment, and righteous response by looking in a surprising place: God’s own anger…his anger is good and redemptive. Powlison offers practical help for people who struggle with irritation, complaining, or bitterness and gives guidance for how to respond constructively when life goes wrong.

There will be no childcare. The book can be purchased at Amazon ($16.49) or New Growth Press ($17.17). This study will alternate meeting at the homes of Deb Grathwol & Vicki Wickenheiser, both in Bridgewater. To sign up, contact leaders, Deb Grathwol or Vicki Wickenheiser.


9:00 – 11:00 AM. | January 14 – April 8.

None Like Him by Jen Wilkin.

We will study the characteristics of God that we cannot attain, such as His omniscience,  omnipresence, omnipotence and how that affects us in our day today walk of faith with him. The book can be purchased on Amazon ($7). There will be childcare available. This group will meet at the home of Cindy Kewley.

To sign up, contact leaders Dorothy Scheel or Cindy Kewley.


6:00 – 8:00 PM. | January 8 – April 2.

Age of Opportunity by Paul Tripp.

For a parent, the teen years are years of unprecedented opportunity– years of penetrating questions and exciting new discussions, years that open the door to a teen’s heart. In this wise and hopeful book, Paul Tripp shows parents how to connect with their children as never before, drawing on practical strategies shaped by God’s Word. The book can be purchased from Amazon for about $14. There will be no childcare. Location will be shared between the homes of Teresa Patton and Holly Michael.

For more information or to sign up, contact Holly Michael and Teresa Patton.


6:30 AM. | January 30 – April 10.

Ephesians: Growing in Christ by Lydia Brownback.

In Ephesians, Paul reveals how believers, through union with Christ, have been given everything they need for a joy-filled life of faith. In this ten-week Bible study, Lydia Brownback explores Ephesians verse by verse to guide Christians toward a godly life and help women understand the blessings of being united to Christ by faith, fellowship, spiritual maturity, and fruitful living. The book is $11. Please purchase a book prior to the first meeting. There will be no childcare. This study will meet at the home of Kathy Bowen.

To sign up, contact leaders Kathy Bowen or Kristen Ulmer.

9:30 – 11:00 AM. | January 30 – Mid-April.

Habakkuk: Learning to Live by Faith by Lydia Brownback.

As we contend with cancel culture, we find ourselves like Habakkuk, wondering why God allows evil and injustice to displace and destroy what is good, right, and true. As we grapple with these questions in our own unsettled times, we can do what Habakkuk did—turn to the Lord. Purchase your study book at or Amazon ($9.63). There is no childcare. Class size is limited. The group will meet at Kendra Shickel’s home.

To sign up, contact leaders Kendra Shickel or Debby Walsh.

7:00 – 8:45 PM. | January 9 – April 17.

Isaiah: The Lord Saves by Kathleen Nielson.

Part 2 of a two-part study. Even though this is a year-long study, new women are welcome to join us in January.  We will cover the second half of the book, Chapters 36-66 which will tie in nicely with upcoming sermons on Revelation. What a treasure we have in the book of Isaiah! It is some of the most beautiful poetry in the Bible; a theological masterpiece; a glimpse into God’s perspective on human history; a magnificent presentation of his redemptive plan. We are learning about the heart of God as expressed in the fullness of his judgments and mercy shown both in Isaiah’s day and in the future Messianic age to come. We are seeing that the book of Isaiah is a revelation of God and how he works his redemptive plan through all history.  We see that believing and trusting God to keep his promises should promote our obedience which leads to a greater enjoyment of the spiritual blessings of our salvation, forgiveness of our sins and a saving hope for the future.  There will be no childcare. This group will meet at the home of Barbara Nuckols.

To sign up, contact leaders Barbara Nuckols or Jerrica Nixon. 


5:00 PM. | January 10.

Manso y humilde: El corazón de Cristo para los pecadores y heridos | Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers by Dane Ortlund.

Los cristianos conocen lo que Cristo Jesús ha hecho, pero, ¿quién es Él? ¿Cuál es Su corazón para Su pueblo, el cual va fatigado y vacilante en su jornada hacia el cielo? Jesús dijo que Él es «manso y humilde de corazón». Este libro refleja esas palabras, y revela una verdad central, aunque ignorada, sobre quién es Él para los pecadores y las personas que sufren hoy en día. Se proporciona cuidado de niños. Nos reuniremos en el edificio de la iglesia en el Salón C-105.  Para registrarse, comuníquese con Ninive Logie.

Christians know what Jesus Christ has done, but who is He? What is His deepest heart for His people, weary and faltering on their journey toward heaven? Jesus said He is “gentle and lowly in heart.” This book reflects on these words, opening up a neglected yet central truth about who He is for sinners and sufferers today. Childcare is provided. We will meet at the church building in Room C-105.  To sign up, contact leader Ninive Logie.