May I bring my child into the service with me?
Yes! Children are welcome and encouraged to participate in worship services at Covenant. We don’t mind a little wiggling and whispering that goes along with being little. We trust that parents know when a child is becoming a little too distracting and needs to be removed from the sanctuary for a bit, until he or she is ready to return.
What do you have for children older than Kindergarten during the service?
Children who are in the first grade and up are invited to participate with us for the entire service. Children’s sermon notes, created weekly, help guide their listening to the preaching of the word and are available at the tables in the hall leading to the sanctuary. Children are encouraged to bring their own notebook and pencil as well. They may take notes, draw pictures to help them remember, or write down the scripture passage in their notebooks.
What do I do with my squirmy child?
Squirmy children under 1st grade may participate in nursery (0 to 2 years) or Children’s Church (3 years by September 15th through Kindergarten). You may also remove a child from the sanctuary and walk around in the lobby area where you will still hear the sermon, or you may choose to go to the worship room off of the kitchen. This is a sound proof room with a large window for viewing the sanctuary. Furnished with chairs and a few activities for restless young ones, the sermon is piped in so that you may continue to join the congregation in worship.
Can you serve my child with special needs?
We love that God has blessed us with many children, and among those children are many with a variety of special needs. You may find it comforting to know that we have a whole ministry geared to supporting families with children that have a disability. Whether your child may need a special buddy, or curriculum modification, we are willing to work with you. Please contact us so that we can meet your family’s unique circumstances in the hopes that you all may participate in programs at Covenant Presbyterian Church.
How do I know my child is safe?
Safety is a top priority, after all, you are entrusting us with your great treasure. Therefore, all of our volunteers and church leaders fill out applications, disclosure forms and have background checks performed. Additionally we have policies regarding child safety.