Feb 04

The Wonderful Works of God

Aaron Roberts |Romans 5:1-5

The works of God in salvation can only be understood when we see it through the gospel of Christ. The work of the Incarnate Christ is the high point of Biblical History. His gospel is the rationale for the existence of Christian faith. We live and move and have our being only in Christ and his work. Paul takes this brief section in Romans 5 to prepare us for what he unfolds in the remaining chapters of this letter. He argues that “the righteous shall live by faith” (1:17), and this faith is justified only in the righteousness of Christ imputed to his saints (5:1). Upon that does Paul show that Christian living is accompanied by peace, grace, hope, and so many other wonderful works of God that leaves Paul essentially praising in these verses (5:1-5). Christians rejoice (boast) through Christ even in the midst of our sufferings because wherever we go, whoever we meet, whatever happens, God is with us, and God loves us. There is no greater argument than the love of God for his saints.