The passage before us is often referred to as The Magnificat. It is the Latin word for “magnify” which is how Mary begins her song: “My soul magnifies the Lord.” And what a song it is! It is a song of truth for an age of deception. It is a song of hope for an age of cynicism. In reading the words carefully we come to notice that Mary’s song is, as one scholar puts it, “a virtual collage of biblical texts.” Every line is drawn either directly or indirectly from the Scriptures which Mary had learned at home and in the synagogue. It bears certain resemblances to the songs of Miriam (Ex. 15:19-21), Deborah (Judg. 5:1-31), and especially of Hannah (1 Sam. 2:1-10), all of which Mary would have known.
The central theme of the Magnificat is that through the Son that Mary bears in her womb, God will bring about a great reversal of the world’s sinful order. The proud will be brought low and the lowly will be lifted up. But these are not political categories nor do they belong to mere social status. The gospel of Mary’s Son will be about the salvation of sinners and the dawning of a new creation. These themes will be echoed in Jesus’ sermon on the Mount, particularly the beatitudes where He pronounces blessing upon those who are “poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” In contrast to the values of the world, Jesus tells us that the way to blessedness and joy and peace is through humility, a lowliness in which the sin-weary flee to the Savior.
We sing this song as those who are able to look back on Jesus’ ministry, his life of perfect obedience, his atoning death and victorious resurrection. We are able to see that the great reversal of which Mary sang has been purchased and is already underway. Sinners and scoffers still dismiss it. Such is the way of those who are wise in the world’s eyes. But for the humble ones who are poor and spirit, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the message is clear. God saves those who have come to realize that they have no hope of saving themselves. He keeps his gracious covenant. “And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation” (vs. 50).