Jun 30

Part 67: The Lord Prays (2)

Tim Frost |Series: The Gospel of John |John 17:6-19

Throughout this prayer, Jesus mentions “truth” and “the word” multiple times. This theme runs throughout the prayer as Jesus is getting ready to depart from the disciples. During his time with them, he invested in them and instilled in them a love for the truth and belief in his Word which has led to lives marked by obedience to his Word.

Jesus knows that his departure will be difficult for the disciples. But he also knows that he has given them what they need in his Word, and he will send his Spirit to help them remember and understand all that he has taught, much of what is summarized in this prayer.

He highlights four main themes in this section, all of which have been central to his mission: the manifestation of God; and the predestination, the preservation, and the sanctification of the elect.

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