After Judas departs into the night Jesus begins his final body of teaching prior to his crucifixion. This is his “Upper Room” or “Farewell Discourse.” The prior events (vv. 1-30) set the stage for this intimate and heartfelt teaching. He begins by rooting his person and work firmly within the glory of God. That Father and Son share the same glory, a glory that will be revealed at the cross.
Jesus goes on to give his disciples a command which will serve as a mark of identification for God’s people around the world. Specifically, he commands his followers to love one another, which he calls a new commandment. Technically, the command to love both God and neighbor has, since the days of Moses, been the summation of God’s law. What makes this commandment new is the fact that it has now been fully embodied before them in and through Jesus himself. It is his love that must be received and his example that must be followed.
We must be careful of the reckless audacity and self-confidence of Peter. Certainly Peter was sincere in his declaration that he would never betray the Lord. But he underestimated the power of sin and his own desire to persevere. Nevertheless, it would be Jesus himself who would restore Peter and preserve him to the very end which is what he does for all of his beloved people. Truly, Jesus will not lose any of whom the Father has given him (John 6:37).