We’re taking a break from Genesis this week. We are going to look at a passage in Romans that points us to the hope that we can have through the gospel of Jesus Christ. One of the beauties of Scripture is that whether we are in the Old Testament in Genesis or in the New Testament in books like Romans – it all points us to God’s proactive work in moving toward us and providing a way for us to be reconciled to him.
Throughout Romans, Paul has been building a case that salvation is an utterly gracious act of God; an act full of mercy and compassion toward rebellious people who are enemies of God. In chapter 5 we see that we access this salvation not by co-laboring with Christ, not by being good enough, not even by seeking him; rather God seeks us and grants us faith, which is a gift from God.
Two things we can derive from this, from God’s act of kindness toward us in the gospel, are assurance of salvation and perseverance of our faith.