The People feature can be used to publish profiles and contact information for pastors, staff, deacons and any other groups. You can optionally organize people by group.

Sharon Armentrout

Hospitality Coordinator

Drew Brunk

Facilities Manager

Nancy Frutuozo

Ministry Support

Grace Good

Ministry Support

Cayla Ball

RUF Campus Staff

Rebecca Griffin

Ministry Support

Gus Kagey


Jeremy Keplinger


Emily Cartledge

Ninive Logie

Ministry Support

Ron Hoch

Ken Aldrich

David O’Dowd

Phil Smuland

Matt Eusey

John Kuebler

Mark Bentz

Mike Brady

Hal Baker

Marshall Butler

Mike Downey

Greg Becker

Director of Congregational Care and Counseling

Angel Garcia

Larry Chico

Chris Goehner

Steve Draper*


Justin Hormel

Josh Lookabill

Dennis Houff

Mike Marsh

Ben Jacobsen

J.D. Patton

Chet Landes

Reid Linn*


Don Perkuchin*


Justin Michael

Greg Montgomery

Gary Shickel

Terry Pennington

Jim Smith

Anthony Tongen

Joe Slater

RUF Campus Minister

Mark Shickel

Melissa Ritter

Ministry Support

Todd Pruitt

Lead Pastor

Tim Frost

Executive Pastor

John Kidd

Pastor of Youth Ministries

Phil Mahaffey

Pastor of Cross-Cultural Ministries

Burress McCombe

Pastor of Worship

Aaron Roberts

Pastor of Adult Discipleship

John Wickenheiser

Ken Van Sickle

Kendal Butler

Director of Administration

Sarah DeBoer

Associate Director of Women's Ministry

Colleen Ernst

Associate Director of Youth Ministries

Sarah Kalichman

Community Liaison

Sarah Plonsky

Associate Director of Welcome and Assimilation

John Stephens

Associate Director of Alianza Worship

Lisa Updike

Director of Children's Ministries

Jerry Weniger

Michael Wilburn

Mike Yoder

Laura Whittaker